A Word from our Pastor

Welcome to Washington Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)!
Scouting out a church in the third decade of the twenty-first century is risky. We get that, so we cultivate an online presence so folx can try us on for size without being pounced on as the “new person.” We know that happens. We’ve done it, and we’re sorry.
The community of WACC strives toward the future God wants and ultimately will have by embodying the very best, most beautiful, gospel-good news of Jesus Christ. That’s a mouthful of a sentence, but it’s who we want to be and become. We’re not perfect, and we have more questions than answers, but we still think grace is real and that the perfect love of God casts out all fear. That keeps us going…most days.
We do the typical church-y things like worship, education, and outreach, but we don’t do them merely out of habit. We participate in these ministries to create beauty for God and discover new meaning in ways that are life-giving, loving and liberating. It’s as holy as it can get.
If you’re still reading, thanks. We appreciate it. If you’d like to let us know who you are and how you found us, we’d be thrilled. We won’t send you giving envelopes or unsolicited emails but our heartfelt thanks and an invitation to continue conversation as the Spirit of God leads.
Peace abundant,
Rev. Nathan A. Russell, Senior Pastor
Pronouns: he/him