A Word from Pastor Nathan

Dear Friends:

Washington Avenue is a landmark congregation in Elyria. Our beautiful historic building, complete with its illuminated spire, outdoor sign, and incredible trees enhance the landscape of our city. My heart beams with pride each time I drive on Washington Avenue.

As any homeowner can tell you, property comes with the benefit of ongoing maintenance. Basements and water are foreign challenges to most Texans who immigrate to Ohio, but I ’m learning what to do and how to prepare. We know from the news that few things are as destructive to property as water. Even regular rainfall —not just flooding —can present challenges to our homes. Likewise, church buildings are no exception.

Our Property Committee, co -chaired by WACC -HGTV Property Brothers Chris Thomas and Dennis Wilhelm, cares for our building in every way. Each year the committee evaluates our insurance policy, property services, utilities, and needed maintenance. Few of us see the building and property care that takes place every week from our superb custodian Phil Smith, yet all of us enjoy and reap the benefits of our well -maintained campus.

Following the burning of the mortgage for the “new” wing, WACC members established a Covenant fund, which is designated for major capital improvements. The covenant fund is not part of our annual budget or pledged giving, but this fund plays a vital role in providing financial resources for major capital renovations and upgrades. I’m grateful to this congregation for having the foresight to establish the Covenant fund.

In the coming months, we will begin a waterproofing project for the sanctuary and fellowship hall. This much -needed upgrade will protect our building from moisture and ensure its stability for years to come. Our existing Covenant funds will provide the needed $55,000 without a special fundraiser or capital campaign. There are additional vital projects we hope to complete this summer, including a new HVAC unit and sump crock relining.

A characteristic of vibrant stewardship is care of property. As your pastor and as a member of this congregation, I’m going to make a monthly commitment to the Covenant fund in addition to my pledge. Will you partner with me and fellow members in this effort? Your green-edged envelope in your packet is for this purpose. Together, our gifts will preserve our building for generations to come.

Peace abundant,
