A Word from Pastor Nathan

Dear Friends:

Thomas Jefferson once quipped, “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” If you’ve attended one of our four Bible, Burger & Beer events at the Foundry, you may also agree with Jefferson. During seminary, some of us tried to pair libations with theologians. Martin Luther is a porter stout. Karl Barth is an IPA. Joel Osteen is ginger beer.

I’m not that much of a beer connoisseur. Truthfully, I had to google the types of beer I just named. I do love coffee. Coffee is proof that God loves us and wants us to be energized.

Several months ago, I started holding office hours on Monday mornings at Erie Island Coffee Company at Second and Middle. Some of you have joined me there. I’ve also met several community members, political hopefuls, and persons who are curious if I’m doing a bible study.

Meeting in a coffee house is different than meeting in a church house or a pastor’s office. The pressure to be reverent and pious doesn’t exist when you have a nice cup of coffee in hand and in a community space.

Some of the conversations I’ve had at Erie Island have knocked my socks off. The people are real, vulnerable, authentic, and true. There are some moments that seem thin, meaning the veil between this world and the next is hardly visible. I’ve even been tempted to kick off my shoes because the ground beneath my feet has become holy. I never know when the Spirit of God will show up at the coffee house, but it’s unmistakable when the Spirit arrives.

Will you join me sometime for coffee? You don’t have to call or text beforehand (though I’m glad for you to let me know when you’ll be there). I’m there shortly after 9 a.m. most Mondays. I’d love to meet with you. I’ll even buy the first round—I mean cup. We can discuss whatever is on your mind. I’d love to listen and learn from you. In a symbolic way, sharing coffee at a table is like communion. There is a table—and we know that when two or more are gathered, God is there.
