A Word from Pastor Nathan

There are cool things in the work at our church, and I’m excited about them. Here are two things that have started this week:

The Lilly Endowment—which we love and for which we give thanks to God—is a private philanthropic foundation that supports the causes of religion, education, and community development. If you’ve heard of Lilly Pharmaceuticals, the Lilly Foundation was started by its founders. If you listen to On Being with Krista Tippett on NPR, the Lilly Endowment supports that broadcast. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Pension Fund of the Christian Church, and Disciples of Christ Colleges, Universities and Seminaries have been the grateful recipients of tens of millions of dollars from Lilly.

Lilly recently funded a new grant with Hartford Seminary to explore the pandemic impact on congregational life. They’re seeking responses to three questions:

  1. How did congregations respond to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  2. What are the long-term consequences of COVID-19 on congregational life in the United States?
  3. What does congregational life look like post-pandemic?

Guess what! WACC is registered as a potential site study for these researchers. I’m very excited about this opportunity, not because I think we did everything right in pandemictide, but because there will be unique learning outcomes to which we can contribute and glean wisdom for the future. We’ll hear more from the research team this fall.

Second, we applied for a Community Grant through Walmart.Org. Of course, this is the Walmart Foundation, which has the following giving interests: creating opportunity; advancing sustainability; strengthening community; and, racial equity. Our proposal requests a total of $3,500 which will come from the Elyria Walmart. With this funding, we hope to become a community hub for activities and expand our capabilities for interactive and hybrid meetings. The idea for this grant is one outcome from the Lenten 2021 study of Dear White Christians.

Both endeavors are pending, but I can sense the potential energy that’s already forming. Will you join me in prayer for an outcome that helps us take next steps toward the future God wants and ultimately will have? I am excited for us, Church, and the life we share together.

With hope,