A Word from Pastor Nathan
March 3 was the first Sunday in Lent, but if I’m honest with you, it felt a bit like Easter. Yes, Lent is a time for us to reflect on Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, crucifixion, and (ultimately) resurrection, but we’re not to that climactic point. And yet, Easter broke through on the first Sunday of Lent as your voices filled the sanctuary unhindered by masks. Several people remarked to me how full the sound was, and I wholeheartedly agreed. A Hallelujah even rang out at one point. Usually, we hold that word in abeyance throughout Lent, but I’m not complaining.
We’ve navigated two years in the season of pandemictide, and though I never—ever—want to do that again, I’m very proud of what we’ve accomplished. Board Chairs Kimberly Wilhelm and Mark Mathes and Elder Chairs Gerald Western, Jen Sweeten, and Sandy Rieth have been superb leaders and excellent conversation partners throughout this complex and complicated time. Staff members Diana Tyler, Evan Collins, Debbie Walker, and Brenda Keenan stepped up in creative ways that not only enabled us to continue but expand and grow. Committees also imagined new ways to meet and work on projects during this time.
Zoom gave us a platform for continuing to gather for board and committee meetings in addition to social hours and study opportunities. YouTube provided a medium through which we could worship together and live chat. You, the participants in the life of WACC, embraced new ways to create meaning and community. None of us expected such a trying season in life, but we trusted God’s faithfulness, our leaders, and one another. As a result, we are a better, stronger, more diverse, and connected church. I couldn’t be prouder of you.
So, what now? We are a church in ongoing discernment. How will we hold everything we created online as we promote in-person gatherings? Second, how do we continue to be accessible in myriad ways? Third, what does it mean to have a “local” church? These questions can be daunting, but in my heart of hearts, I think they’re an invitation to ponder anew! I am energized for the ministries in which we share, and there’s not a church on earth with whom I’d rather partner as we explore new possibilities and seek God’s good and glorious future for the whole wide world.