A Word from Treasurer Dan Walker: 2021 Third Quarter Financial Assessment

During the third quarter, WACC has continued to perform extremely well financially. We had contribution income of $54,314 during the quarter, which represents 101% of our budgeted quarterly contribution income of $53,790. So now, at the three-quarters mark of the year, we have received a total of $163,961 in contributions from you, the congregation, which represents 101% of our budgeted income through three quarters of $161,961. Great job, everyone! We also received our budgeted income amount of $21,926 from our Permanent Funds at the Christian Church Foundation. In addition, we also received our annual gift from the Shubert Family Fund, also held at the Christian Church Foundation, in the amount of $8,194.

On the expense side, we recorded $74,646 in expenditures (vs. $76,498 and $70,604 in the first and second quarters, respectively). Compared to our budgeted quarterly expenses of approximately $80,903, this performance continues to stand as a great testament to the stewardship of our operating committees and staff!

All of the above adds up to an ending balance of $66,936 in our operating fund at the end of September. If we do not count the federal Payroll Protection Program funds of $33,027 still on hand, we would have an ending balance of $33,909, up from the adjusted balance of $23,935 at the end of June.

So, kudos to all for your stewardship of the mission and ministries of Washington Avenue Christian Church. Well done, good and faithful Disciples!


Dan Walker