Green Chalice
In September 2024, Washington Avenue became the first CERTIFIED Green Chalice Congregation in Ohio. This important designation means that we strive to live into the following covenant:

- Worship God with all creation and pray for the healing of the earth.
- Study the climate crisis and engage others in climate solutions.
- Repent and forgive for the harm we have inflicted on the earth that sustains life.
- Advocate for ecojustice public policies and witness by living sustainable lifestyles.
- Rest in God’s good creation and invite others to delight in nature.
Anyone can sign this covenant by visiting Climate data can make us feel powerless to effect any change, but take courage, change is possible. Indeed, it’s already happening right here! Here are some our initiatives At Washington Avenue:
- 100% of the electricity required to run our church campus comes from renewable resources. That’s 100% renewable; 0% carbon.
- Our chancel lighting was replaced with LED bulbs.
- Our exterior lighting (Spire, parking lot lights, etc) have been upgraded to LED bulbs and run on programmable switches set to the changing times of sunrise/sunset.
- We installed LED bulbs in our most-used offices.
- We installed motion-activated light switches in bathrooms and offices.
- We installed programmable thermostats on all HVAC units.
- We have a community garden.
- Our worship acknowledges the pandemic of climate change, and we seek to steward God’s exceedingly beautiful creation so all may flourish.
- We have a recycling program for paper, glass, and other items.
- We have a “Green Team” (aka the Justice League) that promotes creation care.
We may be a small church, but we’re making a big difference in care for the environment, and we’re just getting started.