Janet’s Jottings

Dear Friends,

It seemed that 15 months’ notice of my pending retirement was a long time. Now that the time has shrunk to 15 days, it seems like it was no time at all!

Experts report that when time seems to fly, it is because there is meaning and satisfaction in the moment. When one’s days are full and fulfilling, there is no reason to wish that time would pass more quickly. So it is that I can hardly believe that it’s September and that my days as pastor of Washington Avenue Christian Church are numbered.

More than the quick passage of these 15 months is the quick passage of one-third of a century. A span of time can be measured in terms of production: roughly 1,500 of these columns and a similar number of sermons; hundreds of funerals; scores of weddings and baptisms; meetings too numerous to count; and, building projects of significant scope.

A span of time can be measured in terms of culture: the development of more outreach opportunities; the exploration of creative stewardship to engage everyone in kingdom causes; the power of a shared life of prayer; the blessing of inclusion and welcome for all; and, the reach of our congregation ’s mission and ministry from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.

A span of time can be measured in terms of relationships: the warmth of Christian friendship in the ties to people who would not otherwise be in our personal circles; the expanding of our vision to view all people as God’s children; the experience of grace and kindness; the blessing of companionship for the journey; and, the embrace of unconditional love.

I am very grateful for the gift of having been with you—as pastor, leader and fellow traveler in the faith—for an incredibly short one-third of a century.


Pastor Janet