July Special Offering: Cleveland Christian Home

Have you ever heard God talking to you? A calling, so to speak? I have, but only once did it come in a flash with no pre-thought or prayer.

Around 23 years ago (near Easter), as I made a birthday cake for our daughter, I began to think about the boys who live at the Cleveland Christian Home. Thanks to seasonal collection drives, they receive presents at Christmas and school supplies in August. I began to wonder if the children also get some of the little things like Easter baskets, Christmas stockings, and birthday cakes.

That’s when it happened: I heard a voice telling me that I could bake cakes! After contacting the Home, I discovered that the boys did get birthday cakes but they were store-bought and impersonal, often part of a “birthdays this month” celebration. I wanted to do something different.

It’s hard to hear some of the boys’ stories and not feel heartbroken. The boys who reside at the Cleveland Christian Home have experienced more trauma in their 7-17 years of age than most of us have—or will—during our lifetime. Many have experienced sexual or physical abuse, or extreme neglect. As a result of these traumas, they suffer from mental, emotional and behavioral issues that make it necessary for them to be removed from their homes and schools. CCH offers them a safe place to heal through structure, love, specialized counseling, and small class sizes, making it possible for them to dream about their future God-given possibilities.

I believe that, as children of God, each life should be welcomed and celebrated. It broke my heart to hear that some of the boys didn’t know when their birthdays were. Some have never had a birthday cake and some, instead of hearing, “Happy birthday!” have been told by a parent that they wish they’d never been born.

The Cleveland Christian Home and I now partner to make sure that each boy gets his own cake. Every month I get a list of upcoming birthdays, complete with each boy’s first name, favorite flavors, and interests so each cake can be personalized. My husband, Wayne, is able to deliver them on his way to work. He has told me that he has seen some of the boys in the office, waiting for their cake’s arrival! That warms my heart!

Through this ministry I have also received a nickname. Due to privacy issues, I am not told the last name of any of the boys and they do not know my name; I am simply known as The Cake Lady. Please join me in celebrating the lives of all the children who are helped through the Cleveland Christian Home by giving generously to our July Special Offering.

Blessings and love to all!

The Cake Lady (aka Debbie Walker)