Recognizing Your Gifts

We appreciate the many ways this congregation responds to God’s blessings! We’d like to better address that also while giving everyone an opportunity to participate in the weekly act of worship known as the offering.

In addition to those who place an offering envelope in the plate each Sunday, we also acknowledge those who donate by direct deposit or other online options, give during specific intervals that better reflect their household’s income stream, or donate stock or other representative distributions.

Also most worthy are those gifts that take the form of prayers, specific acts of kindness, service in the use of time and talents…and other responses of love which may not even be listed above!
In honor of all the ways you give, please watch for color-coded, laminated cards that will appear in the narthex and on the Welcome Table. These cards will represent the tangible and intangible gifts described above and will be available for you to select and place in the offering plate each Sunday

THANK YOU for the many ways you reflect your gratitude to God through stewardship of all your gifts to, and through, Washington Avenue Christian Church! You are an amazing congregation!