2024 Theme: Come, behold what God is doing!

“Come, behold what God is doing!” is our stewardship theme for 2024.
The scripture we used for Consecration Sunday on November 19, 2023, was Psalm 46, in which the poet invites their hearers to “Come, behold the works of the FIRE OF SINAI!” What an exciting summons for us! And yet, the psalm doesn’t shy away from the trepidation of a tumultuous world. The psalmist says there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, and we happen to be a church located on a river. Amid uncertain circumstances, and through the poet’s voice, God calls out for us to “Be still and know that I am God!”
Megan Rowe, WACC’s artist-in-residence, captured the beauty of this psalm in an original painting that is reflective and redemptive. We have witnessed the global devastation of the earth through fires, hurricanes, and storms, much of which is the result human-driven climate change. Despite these natural disasters, God is still at work. Earth is being reborn. God’s rays of sunrise show hope for rebirth, the return of calm waters, and the well-being of all earth’s creatures. We see in this painting a wondrous call: “Come, behold what God is doing.”
In response to Megan’s artwork, Pastor Nathan wrote a new hymn text “Come, Behold What God Is Doing” set to ABBET’S LEIGH, which we sang for the first time on Consecration Sunday.
WACC leadership has been active in response to God’s urging. We have pondered anew how to create an inclusive and expansive community, care for the planet, and enact God’s future in the present. With promise and possibility on the horizon, we have an opportunity as the church to continue our work in God’s dynamic activity as we steward our gifts and God’s beautiful creation, worship, and serve God in fresh ways. Each time we share in the mission and ministry of the church, we behold what God is doing from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth. Below are the Invitations to Stewardship from November 2023.
We developed this interactive website for you to RSVP for Consecration Day, see the impact of your gifts, and make a pledge.

You are a beloved part of this congregation, and we give thanks to God for your faithful discipleship and grateful stewardship. Together, with God’s help, we will remain faithful and grateful as we continue to “Come, Behold What God is Doing!”
Lauri Warfield
Stewardship Chair